Saturday, August 15, 2015

Dear Mr. Bob Whitaker

This morning, at 9:07 A.M, my sister and mother asked me to answer the phone. As a twenty year old, multiracial woman, the phone call baffled me.
The first two lines of this message?
Now, I gave this message a listen, for the little of the information I received for the first two lines. The message continued on, mentioning 'White lives Matter', 'Vote Bob Whitaker for President', 'The only way to fix the problem is to inter-marry', and 'Letting non-White's take over is White Genocide'.
White Genocide? I thought America was 'the melting pot'. I was raised to believe that my country was welcoming to all and everyone. The definition of genocide by the book is; the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a specific ethnic group or nation.
So, in hearing this message, it was blatantly said that America has Whites and 'Others'. The only thing that matters to this man, Bob Whitaker, and the American Freedom Party, is White Supremacy and living in a White dominate America. Maybe this man forgot that we Americans were not the first nation of people in this land we call home. Now, he mentioned Genocide? The Native Americans were the victims of a genocide. We took what they taught us, stole their lands, and then told them to conform or die.
THAT, Mr. Whitaker is a genocide.
I'm sorry Mr. Whitaker, but as a multiracial young woman, I know that racism is everywhere. I have been labelled as 'other' before in school while my brother and sister were labelled as black. I know the feeling of being told I am not black enough or white enough. Where do you find the right to call our home and say that the only right way is the white way? I have a white mother and she willingly taught me black culture. She gave all of her children the option of listing themselves how they felt most comfortable. Our mother taught us to see the world as people, not the color of their skin.
Now, Mr. Whitaker and American Freedom Party, you may read this and say, 'well you are all part of the problem.' No, Mr. Whitaker, the problem does not lie in the color of anyone's skin. The problem lies in the people that feel privileged to a birthright that EVERYONE was given freely with the civil wars and Emancipation Proclamation.
So, I ask you this Mr. Whitaker, how can you tell me that I am other, because you do not agree with the color of my skin? You do not know me from a hole in the wall, and you will never know the people who do the jobs you think you are too good for.
When I was thirteen years old, my brother was arrested in an interracial crime in the state of California. He did not have a weapon. He did not cause harm to the deceased parties, yet he was given a life sentence without the chance for parole, because people like you decided that because of the color of his skin, he is a black man.
What happened to ALL LIVES MATTER, Mr. Whitaker? Should I live in fear for being who I am by your beliefs? Instead of trying to start another civil war, maybe you should look at the idea of AMERICA MATTERS. If you like it or not, Mr. Whitaker, we are all American citizens. We will not change or conform just to fit your views. Having an open mind goes a long way.
You state in your article, The Cuckservative Phenomenon, that my mother was committing white genocide by marrying my father and giving me and my siblings life. So, in short you're saying, that because my mother fell in love and created products of that love, that she is killing off your ideal nation. Is that correct, Mr. Whitaker? How dare you.
You say you are not a racist man; that you only want your birthright given to you. I'm sorry to inform you that you, sir, are indeed a racist. The only difference between you and Hitler? Hitler openly declared his hate of the Non-Germans, while you mask your denial of who you truly are by pointing your finger at all that don't agree and calling them Anti-whites.
Why does race matter so much to you, Mr. Whitaker? The color of my skin will never give you a tell all of the type of person I am. That's like saying the only true fish is a goldfish.
As you say in your cartoons, I am a racist because I disagree with you. Africa is for Africans, and Asia is for Asians. Those are your words, Mr. Whitaker, but I will tell you this. America is for everyone. America is the place our founding citizens went when they didn't agree with the leader of their home country. THAT, Mr. Whitaker, makes you as much a foreigner as it does me.
The only 'Waves' on Washington you will create, are waves of outcry for the barbaric thoughts in your campaign.